Dear readers!
I’d like to invite you to join me in person or via live stream on March 8th (International Women’s Day!) at the Reality Based Women Unite event in Toronto!
Join us for real talk from today’s leading activists and commentators on women’s rights and protections, featuring the Canadian launch of Women’s Declaration International’s publication Women’s Rights, Gender Wrongs: the global impact of gender-identity ideology.
This is the event I originally told you about which was planned for Ottawa, but which has since changed location.
You can check out the website to learn more about the speakers and the event itself, which will include the launch of Women’s Rights, Gender Wrongs: the global impact of gender-identity ideology published by Women’s Declaration International.
I wrote a chapter in the book, which is partly what I will be speaking about.
Get your tickets now to take advantage of early bird pricing!
The following day we will also be holding a rally in Toronto—more details to come!
Hope to see some of you there :)
Hi I'm going to go for sure but to be honest I'm a little bit concerned about safety. Last time I was there the police weren't exactly keeping aggressive protesters in line.
Thanks. Toronto's kind of crazy right now. Looking forward to seeing you all!