Last night, I had the opportunity to attend a screening of the Rebel News documentary RAID: Montreal’s Police War Against Citizen Journalism, which told the story of how police raided the Airbnb where Rebel News journalists were staying to cover protests against the pandemic lockdown in Montreal.
Here’s the description from Rebel News itself:
In our latest exclusive documentary, Rebel News recounts its harrowing experience fighting the Montreal police (SPVM) for freedom during the overreaching Quebec lockdowns and curfew.
The police hated our reporting documenting their overreach and abuse of power, so they did everything in their power to stop us.
Finally, after our victorious lawsuit against the SPVM, which included an apology, we can tell you the entire story.
You can also check out the trailer:
I’m glad I was able to see it, though it brought back horrible memories of COVID hysteria. It was very uncomfortable and shocking to see how far the police went and what liberties they took during the lockdowns. And while Montreal was particularly bad, it is important to remember that this happened all over Canada. Hell, it happened all over the world.
But there were some lighthearted and downright funny moments as well, which is easy when the star of the show is David Menzies.
You can head over to Rebel News to see the full Part One of the documentary or to sign up to RebelNews+ to watch the whole thing.
After the show, I got to say “hi” to The Menzoid himself:
I’ve previously seen David on a couple of occasions, including at a protest in downtown Toronto in late 2022.
He has been just fantastic at covering gender ideology issues in Canada and he told me that I would see him again in just a few short weeks at the Reality Based Women event in Toronto!
Hopefully some of you will make it as well :)
Thank you SO much for this! We all need a reminder of how bad this was and is and could easily happen again. Like with the trans cult, they've gotten people to police and blame and terrorize anyone who says no and refuses to be a Believer. Most of my friends blame those who refuse to be vaxxed for anyone getting Covid, though it does not stop Covid at all and those I know who've been vaxxed keep getting Covid, while I know no one harmed by Covid and when I got it from a new dentist, it was milder than any cold or flu I've ever had. Even worse, several friends have almost died from the vax and others have severe permanent damage, I just found out that a friend who was forced to be vaxxed to not lose her job now has severe Arteriosclerosis that she did not have before being vaxxed. She could die at any time.
Two great reality warriors in one picture! I love the Menzoid. This time I won't be shy and will hopefully get a chance to shake his hand in TO.