On March 8, 2024—International Women’s Day—the women of caWsbar held the first ever Reality Based Women Unite! It was a flawless event thanks to the awesome organizers, and the lineup of speakers was just superb, and I got to be among them!
Those who couldn’t make it in person or join the livestream can now watch the event in its entirety on YouTube!
And, for those interested, I have pasted my speech below. I did deviate from it here and there to add details and anecdotes, but this was the text I was reading from:
When I first started writing about gender ideology back in 2021, my initial focus was on a Western Canadian educational program called SOGI 1 2 3. “SOGI” stands for sexual orientation and gender identity. The “1 2 3” stands for three steps to creating an “inclusive” school environment.
In reality, this program and other types of SOGI education do nothing but push a dangerous ideology onto Canadian children. This fundamentally hurts all children and, by extension, all of society. Kids are being confused about the nature of sex and the differences between men and women. This is no small problem.
Furthermore, both girls and boys are being irreparably harmed by physical “gender transition.”
But on top of that, SOGI education disproportionately affects young girls, victimizing them twice over. Its policies have destroyed single-sex provisions, allowing boys into girls’ washrooms and changing rooms. All they have to do is say they are a girl as well—if even that.
In the realm of sports, it means that girls’ records, podium spots, and opportunities have likewise been stolen by boys identifying as girls.
Girls are also more likely to be directly swept up in this ideology, victimizing them three times over. Part of the way we know this is because Canadian schools keep giving strange surveys that ask students, among other things, their sexual orientation and “gender identity.”
Consistently across these surveys, an interesting pattern emerges: girls seem to be less likely than boys to identify as their sex. They are more likely to choose options like “non-binary” or “gender fluid” (yes, these are options on the surveys).
In a 2022 survey of grade 9 to 12 students in the Trillium Lakelands District, 53% of the respondents identified as “boy or man.” Only 40% identified as “girl or women.” Now, we don’t know the actual sex of these students, because, of course, nobody bothered to ask that.
But it shouldn’t surprise anyone who is paying attention that more girls than boys are opting out of their sex. Across the Western world, girls are vastly overrepresented at youth gender clinics. In Canada, according to the Trans Youth Can study, girls make up 82% of gender clinic patients.
This is an incredible discrepancy that should stop the whole trans project in its tracks. And yet it all continues, with not one shred of intellectual curiosity about why so many more girls than boys just happen to be “born in the wrong body.”
Another shocking statistic is that indigenous kids make up 19% of patients at these clinics, despite making up not even 8% of the Canadian population. No one seems interested in getting to the truth about why these kids are so vastly more likely to identify as trans.
The extent of their analysis is basically: the more trans kids, the better.
It couldn’t be more obvious that a horrific medical scandal is unfolding before our eyes, but who can we turn to for help? All of our institutions have been captured.
When New Brunswick premier Blaine Higgs became the first politician in Canada to tackle the issue of schools socially transitioning children, he was slammed by the province’s Child and Youth Advocate, Kelly Lamrock. Lamrock released a 100-page report arguing how transitioning minors is good, actually. He titled the report “On Balance, Choose Kindness.”
Almost every province and territory in Canada has a similar Child and Youth Advocate that is similarly captured. That is because this office is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. You might think this is a good thing, and it should be a good thing, but nowadays the convention is being used to argue for childhood transition as well.
In 2015, the former Chair of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, Kirsten Sandberg, published a paper arguing that “gender identity” should be read into the convention.
The current UN Independent SOGI “expert,” Victor Madrigal-Borloz, has also appealed to the convention to argue that denying children puberty blockers is “discriminatory.”
So, the UN and its Office of the Child and Youth Advocate are no help to us. In fact, the Saskatchewan advocate also argued that Premier Scott Moe was violating human rights laws when he tackled the issue of name and pronoun changes in schools.
Every step of the way, there are activists ready to insist that it is crucial to continue sending children down a pathway to sterilization.
But the good news is that politicians are moving on this issue anyway. Higgs and Moe have now been joined by my own Premier, Danielle Smith. At the end of January, she announced the most comprehensive set of policies tackling gender ideology yet.
The proposed policies deal with social transition in schools, the medical transition of minors, and the protection of women’s sports.
I was one of the many people consulted by Premier Smith for these policies late last year. My friend Linda Blade was another, and I think we owe her ample thanks for the inclusion of protections for women’s sports.
Whenever people have asked me, “How do we stop this?” I have always answered that we need to make ourselves available when the time comes to the people who have the power to change the rules. That’s how the trans activists did it and that’s how we can do it too.
But I also believe that politics is downstream of culture. It is ultimately more important for us to talk to the people in our lives and to hold events like this.
This is why I am so happy to be here with you all. You’ve said “enough” to this medical scandal. You’ve said “enough” to the erosion of women’s and girl’s rights. You’ve said “enough” to a deranged cult that has had our institutions captured for way too long.
Most people know that none of this makes any sense, but they are often too scared to stand up until they see somebody else doing it first.
The pressure from the other side to stay quiet is immense, and it’s only getting worse as our voices are starting to get heard. This is why we have to keep going, even if it can feel exhausting sometimes.
We will push back on all of this and we will win simply by talking to each other, because the truth is on our side. The truth is that humans come in exactly two sexes, that you can’t change sex, that women deserve our own spaces and opportunities, and that kids need to be left alone.
Any programs meddling in our schools that don’t reflect this, like SOGI 1 2 3, need to go. Any laws that don’t reflect this, like Bill C-16 and its provincial and territorial counterparts, need to go.
I’m sure we have a long road ahead of us, but we are well on the way. I always say it’s like dominos. Once you start realizing all the harms of gender ideology and the pieces fall down, you can’t reverse it.
So just keep talking, and just keep getting people to think, and before long, it will all collapse.
Thank you for this valuable information Eva.