Little makes me angrier than gay adults who were allowed to grow up gender non-conforming but whole and healthy turning around and advocating the medical transition of children like themselves.
Now, not all “trans kids” would grow up to be gay, but since medicalization particularly targets gender non-conforming children, a disproportionate number of them would. In older cohorts, which consisted mostly of boys, it was indeed the case that many would desist from their trans identity and that a high proportion later came out as same-sex attracted. They were able to do so because earlier clinicians preferred a “watchful waiting” approach.
Obviously, no child deserves to be transitioned—gender non-conforming or not, gay or not. But there is something particularly nefarious about someone who was a gender non-conforming and future gay child championing this approach. It takes a particularly high level of wilful blindness, compared to someone who grew up more typical, to not see what’s going on.
One such adult is James Makokis, a “two-spirited” family physician in Alberta who won the Amazing Race Canada with his husband in 2019.
“Dr. Makokis is a national and internationally recognized leader and author in the area of Indigenous health and transgender health,” proclaims his website. He has a particular focus on the area of “trans youth.”
There have been many glowing new pieces over the years about how Makokis helps minors transition, including this CTV clip which focuses on how he provides testosterone to a 15-year-old girl:
He has also, of course, criticized Premier Danielle Smith’s proposed policy changes that would limit hormonal interventions and ban transition surgeries for minors.
Makokis recently popped back up on my radar with an asinine tweet about how he explained the concept of “non-binary” to his young nephew.
I couldn’t help but point out that what he really taught his nephew was that some people are not complete boys and girls and that this means there is something wrong with their sexed body.
I received numerous responses from people who angrily claimed that I was misinterpreting Makokis’ words. They acted like what I was saying was completely unconscionable and totally out of left field.
But if someone is not “completely” a boy or a girl, then the inverse is also true—that despite having a whole and complete male or female body, there is something wrong with that body. And, I mean, isn’t this exactly the trans activist position? Isn’t this why they advocate for hormonal intervention for young children and surgical intervention for minors?
You see, they are allowed to do whatever they want, but you and I are not allowed to point it out. This is part of trans activism’s one-way street of compassion.
Ultimately, all I was doing was restating Makokis’ words. Gender ideologues didn’t like it because I didn’t couch the reality of the situation in the acceptable woke platitudes. But if they don't like the reality of the situation as spelled out plainly, then they shouldn't like what Makokis is doing.
It’s just like when I tell people that there are male rapists being housed in female prisons. They will accuse me of lying because they know such a thing is insane and ridiculous. But, when I show them that I’m telling the truth, they pivot to calling me a bigot instead.
In the same way, people know that it is abhorrent to medically transition children, to the point that they will often start out arguing that it isn’t happening. When shown that it is in fact happening, they will quickly pivot to arguing that it is good, actually.
But not everyone has this reaction. When faced with the reality of the situation, some do indeed wake up to what is going on. This is why it is important to keep pointing out what trans activism actually entails and hope that enough people come to their senses.
Can somebody who is somewhat familiar with queer theory tell me what the response is to the very simple, obvious point that Dr. Makokis and fellow travelers are assigning gender nonconforming kids new genders that are based on and conform to what woke folks call heteronormative patriarchal gender stereotypes. “Effeminate” boys are girls. “Butch” or “Tomboy” girls are boys. This is deeply and profoundly regressive. WTF?
Thank you so much for this. What you are saying is so important. I'm guessing Dr. Makokis is making a lot of money and getting a lot of status for betraying his own nephew and the 15 year old girl he's experimenting on and all children, as well as adults.
We know that this entire trans mess is made up and that no one can change their sex, but it is incredibly lucrative for those who play the game. If only they didn't have the power to hurt so many. Doctors are treated like god as it is, in spite of how much harm many do, through arrogance and incompetency. But this is a whole other level. Might as well do surgery on kids who want to be dragons or sci-fi film characters.
We expect better from gay men who know that there is nothing wrong with being gay and are in a unique position to truly help gay and Lesbian children and all children really. But actually, I think many gay men and Lesbians still feel like they and everyone should be het. I'll never understand it because I would never want to be anything but a Lesbian, but I do see it with so many who want to fit in, be accepted by their families and the cruel het culture we live in. But this certainly doesn't help anyone feel better about themselves.
This is a particularly cruel kind of betrayal. I wish someone would sue him and all the rest of them.
Thank you again!