Thank you so much! I so agree. It's driving me nuts that in this most "queer" in the world area where I live that that hideous trans marked flag is dominating. (I always think about marking territory like when males pee on something and that is an example, as well as adding T to what used to be known as "Lesbian and Gay," from our history, marches, etc.)
I am horrified that so many Lesbians seem so grateful for still being included in this mess that they eagerly refer to "LBGTQ" etc., while. considering the threats and actual murders of us by the men of the trans cult, that they might as well add KKK to that lineup. (By the way, I haven't heard of any gay men being murdered by men identifying as Lesbians, Lesbians sure have and we are all in danger.)
I also keep thinking that what "trans" is doing in our name is endangering us, from drag queens who sexually assault children, to the prancing around that is taunting the hets who hate us.
I keep wanting to say that T is in no way part of our community or connected with Lesbians or Gay men. Stop erasing our history and implicating, and, worse, endangering us.
Well said! I see this all the time down here in the Southern US as well. And I always cut in and remind folks they are not really upset at gay people. They are livid at TQ+++++++++++++......
If Oregon's Queer® governor Tinka Kotek has made her usual gushing Pride Month announcement, I must have missed it. The usually omnipresent Governor Kotek has gone to ground since her gambit to appease her wife's ambition by creating an Office of the First Spouse for her exploded into scandal. It shows that heterosexuals don't have a monopoly on shameless nepotism in high office. Too bad the story broke just in time to cast a shadow over the run-up to Pride.® It gives all of us a bad name.
Totally true and very well said.
Thank you 🙏
You're really onto something here. Alas, it sounds ominous.
Thank you so much! I so agree. It's driving me nuts that in this most "queer" in the world area where I live that that hideous trans marked flag is dominating. (I always think about marking territory like when males pee on something and that is an example, as well as adding T to what used to be known as "Lesbian and Gay," from our history, marches, etc.)
I am horrified that so many Lesbians seem so grateful for still being included in this mess that they eagerly refer to "LBGTQ" etc., while. considering the threats and actual murders of us by the men of the trans cult, that they might as well add KKK to that lineup. (By the way, I haven't heard of any gay men being murdered by men identifying as Lesbians, Lesbians sure have and we are all in danger.)
I also keep thinking that what "trans" is doing in our name is endangering us, from drag queens who sexually assault children, to the prancing around that is taunting the hets who hate us.
I keep wanting to say that T is in no way part of our community or connected with Lesbians or Gay men. Stop erasing our history and implicating, and, worse, endangering us.
Well said! I see this all the time down here in the Southern US as well. And I always cut in and remind folks they are not really upset at gay people. They are livid at TQ+++++++++++++......
If Oregon's Queer® governor Tinka Kotek has made her usual gushing Pride Month announcement, I must have missed it. The usually omnipresent Governor Kotek has gone to ground since her gambit to appease her wife's ambition by creating an Office of the First Spouse for her exploded into scandal. It shows that heterosexuals don't have a monopoly on shameless nepotism in high office. Too bad the story broke just in time to cast a shadow over the run-up to Pride.® It gives all of us a bad name.