Ever since Findlay went after the Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter (and later lost), I have donated money to this vital organization every single time any transactivist or misguided person in the press tries to paint those serving the needs of some of the most vulnerable females in society as bigots. I urge others to do the same.

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Thank you for this excellent article. It's so important. I was born in 1950 and was in love with girls from my earliest memories and also was clearly Butch (which is how I'm treated, no matter if I identify or not) because of hating male-identified femininity. I know other Lesbians my age who were sent to psychiatric prisons and psychiatrists, but that never happened to me. (Actually, I think my poverty class parents would have protected me, but I know others didn't.)

But, anyway, no matter how horrific that was for young Barbara Findlay, it should not have meant she would betray her own kind (Lesbians, girls, women) on behalf of our worst enemies, the males who prey on Lesbians in particular. I have known a lot of Lesbians like her who become vehement activists, but for the wrong side. Some are very drawn to the right wing, while others devote their lives to males (for years that meant prioritizing gay men with the STD AIDS in spite of these men previously being extremely Lesbian-hating and not sharing their massive resources and entire neighborhoods as well as banning dying Lesbians from support like the Shanti Project, which was started to help dying Lesbians and gay men.) It's been impossible to see all this without recognizing how little such activists care for Lesbians or even girls and women, in spite of some of them having a history of fighting for Lesbians.

I'm not sure what happens. For some, they mistakenly think that these men who claim our identity and have taken over the remnants of our once-vibrant Lesbian communities, as well as taking over sports that has been some of the only ways some girls and women can have a way out of poverty, are terribly oppressed, more than we could ever be. (This is hard to believe because it's impossible to be around the trans cult at all without seeing their intense hatred of Lesbians and all females, as well as their grandiose sense of entitlement.)

I would suggest these traitors find out about how many people their beloved trans-identified men have murdered, but clearly Findlay knows and does not care. (It's almost impossible to find how many of these murders have happened in the area I live in since the media continues to call the murderers "women," even when people present reported seeing their penises and testicles, like with Constellatia Martin, who drove the wrong way on a freeway and murdered a woman and disabled her son, and then took his clothes off and tried to get into other cars. A friend just found another local trans murderer case this week, again called a "woman" in the media. I used to say that the het men calling themselves "women" have as high a violence and murder rate as other het men, but I now believe it's higher because of their extreme sense of entitlement.)

Also, such "activists" get massive rewards in terms of being praised and glorified, plus the rush from getting laws changed.

What to do when such Lesbians simply value males more than females? It's good she had helped us in the past, but to support male murderers be put into women's prisons is impossible to overlook. I just have to consider such Lesbians traitors and collaborators, like actually many who are public stars are (just heard Angela Davis on the radio again supporting the trans cult). I just wish we could reach them or that they would come to their senses. But they would be severely punished.

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The gender critical movement desperately needs activist lawyers who are as committed and effective as Barbara Findlay and who are not at the same time champions of right wing causes.

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Interesting article. I really can’t stand her or her politics.

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Great piece, thank you!

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