BC Representative for Children and Youth Doubles Down on Transing Kids
The child advocates are captured
Last week, I wrote about a report from the British Columbia Office of the Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) that called on the provincial government to “prioritize the protection of two-spirit and gender-diverse children and youth” in foster care.
What they mean is to provide confused youth with harmful medical interventions like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.
I also mentioned that my friend Lois had e-mailed the RCY specifically to inquire about how many of the youth in care in BC receiving “gender-affirming care” are indigenous.
Well, the RCY actually replied:
“Unfortunately, we cannot fulfill this request,” they wrote. “The RCY does not have access to the information you are requesting.”
How convenient. If this office, which is supposed to advocate for children in care, bothered to keep demographic data on the children who are being medically “affirmed” in their “gender,” they might find concerning trends that they would have to grapple with.
As I wrote in my previous post, indigenous kids in Canada, specifically, are overrepresented in care and overrepresented at Canada’s gender clinics. The RCY would potentially have to answer why a disproportionate number of these kids happen to be “born in the wrong body” and maybe face up to the fact that they are contributing to the sterilization of Canada’s indigenous people.
Lois also asked why indigenous children are having their gender identities affirmed rather than being approached in a cultural, holistic, and historical manner.
Twisting themselves into spectacular knots, the RCY replied: “We clearly understood gender-affirming care services as encompassing the qualities that are expressed in your question.”
The person who wrote this e-mail has rather stupidly implied that “gender-affirming care” is a historic and cultural practice for indigenous kids.
These people are supposed to be the advocates for some of the most vulnerable children in society, and they’ve jumped on board the evil gender-affirming train.
It’s a sad state of affairs.
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