"And are you even homosexual if you also seek a stable and loving monogamous partnership and aren’t interested in dismantling society?"

In the 1990s I took the lesbian activist and firebrand Urvashi Vaid to task in the pages of "The Advocate" for that very attitude.

Like others before and since, Vaid thought that being gay carried with it a lifelong enlistment in the revolutionary cause of the moment. Harry Hay believed gay men were chosen by the gods to be society's mad poets. To Vaid, the greatest utility of gay men lay in subverting the patriarchy. The Radical Women of early 1980s Portland saw gays and lesbians as foot soldiers in the fight against capitalism.

If I had to guess Chase Strangio's position on the subject, it would be that we gay men who can't find it within ourselves to emulate the lesbians who are transitioning en masse should at the very least be queering everything we touch.

Enough! It's exhausting. exploitative and just a touch totalitarian. I'm a gay, white, male retired professional and homebody, and I'm damned proud to be one. Remember what John Lennon wrote:

"But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow."

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Thanks Ollie, so glad for your perspective!

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I like so much of this, but am so affected by being erased and so can't think that "trans-identified" people are just trying to make it through like the rest of us -- because they are claiming/taking something that is not theirs to take. The men saying they are women are primarily taking it from Lesbians, women and even girls, or are trying to, while the women are going for privilege at the expense of Lesbian, women, and girls.

I come back to Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who made a career being in charge of the NAACP in Spokane, Washington as a Black activist, until her parents told the world who she was. I have even seen a Radical Feminist defending her as if she was well-meaning, but Dolezal had previously sued Howard University for "discriminating" against her as a white woman, so she knows exactly what she is doing. (She has since changed her name to an African name, so she continues.)

Yes, it's fine if someone just wants to live their life, but not if they are stealing the lives and identities of those they oppress. Even if they seem gentle and mild, like the man who joined a previously Lesbian-only organization by and for Old Lesbians and immediately got into a power position with access to all local members' email addresses. His defenders said of course he was a Lesbian since he was married to a woman.

Sadly, nothing about the trans cult is innocuous, but is based on harming females, and the same for white people pretending to be Black. Interestingly, those who appropriate the identity of those they steal from, always go for power positions.

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Rachel Dolezal never made a career out of identifying as Black. She was always an unpaid volunteer in the NAACP. I recommend that everyone read her very readable memoir which most public libraries have. You can read excerpts here: https://www.amazon.com/Full-Color-Finding-Place-Black/dp/194464816X?asin=194464816X&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1

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You defended her a long time ago now, as if she meant well, ignoring that she had earlier sued Howard University for "discriminating" against her as a white women.

The last documentary I saw about her, she legally changed her name to an African one, continuing her con. I have no reason to believe anything she says or has written, including that she didn't make money as the head of the Spokane NAACP chapter. Certainly she lied to be in that position.

We know that the men who pretend to be women also lie constantly to promote their cult and harm females. "Trans-race" is on a continuum with that travesty.

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Jul 29, 2023
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The females who ID as men are of course not really "the problem". No matter what their personalities are, they are not a threat to the safety of men, not even if they are very aggressive in insisting that they "are" gay men or using male single-sex spaces. Any male who wants to have access to women's spaces because he identifies as a woman IS a threat to the safety of all girls and women because he is trying to erode the availability of single-sex spaces for girls and women. Any male who tries to access female single-sex spaces needs to be challenged and ejected from those spaces, no matter how meek and mild he might seem to be. Girls and women should not have to constantly be asking ourselves whether a particular male is somehow "okay" to access our spaces. Yet more emotional labor that girls and women might be expected to do, and of course, as usual, many girls and women will default to "but we must be nice" as we are conditioned to do with respect to males.

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