Wow, I didn't know Rousseau put all his children in orphanages! What a cruel hypocrite! Pretending to care about people while assigning the most vulnerable who were HIS responsibility to an uncaring, bleak fate. I did know that he thought women existed solely to serve the needs and desires of men. He was like a latter-day hippie: regressive, selfish and morally pretentious.

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He needed peace and quiet to think. After all, he was developing a universal system of pure reason that is demonstrably wrong about, well, everything.

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Nice find. Fake empathy masking the absence of compassion.

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Excellent viewpoint, Eva. Haven't encountered Edmund Burke since my English Lit degree 50 years ago. You're right; sadly, nothing has changed. It has ever been so. Women struggling century after century to liberate themselves from patriarchal enslavement. Abandoning their own children just as our children are abandoned and mutilated today. I feel like I'm trapped in a multi-century horror movie.

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I recall Theophrastus writing on such a subject but I’m waiting for my Waymo at a Paul Smith 75% off sale (I’ve gone full SF) and don’t have my Loeb library at hand. It was often likened to very bad taste, this type of hypocrisy, and was discussed among ancient Greeks, also as a variance of hubris. These people were generally viewed as both infantile and intolerable.

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By the way, I don’t agree that supporting the people of Gaza against what the state of Israel is doing in Gaza and the West Bank is supporting Hamas. It would be exactly what you are talking about in choosing to support an evil in the name of good. By the way, I rely on an Israeli news source to know what is happening, not the Western media. Conflating all support for Palestinians as supporting Hamas is the opposite of enlightenment I would think.

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This is why I chose the words I chose to use instead of saying such a thing.

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This is why I chose the words I chose to use instead of saying such a thing.

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