Health Canada's Youth "Pride Guide" is a Cult Indoctrination Handbook
Why is the government putting out this kind of material?
Recently, as I was researching the strange Canadian school surveys that have been asking kids about their gender identity and sexual orientation, I also came across a “Pride Guide” that was put out by Health Canada in September 2022. This is a shocking document that demonstrates just how entrenched gender ideology and queer theory are in our schools and government.
The guide was drafted with the help of “youth leaders” from numerous schools and school districts across the country, and it is chock-full of the ideological language of the gender cult. The youth, all high school kids, were consulted through “a series of workshops, online communities, and a national survey” to discuss “ongoing challenges faced by themselves and their peers, and strategize around possible solutions.”
In describing themselves, the kids write:
Each of us, as individuals, identify with different races, ethnicities, ancestries, and places of origin, but share a common thread through the 2SLGBTQ+ community.
Something I noticed right off the bat is that Health Canada notes the involvement of the Center for Global Education in “organizing and facilitating the engagement session” and in “providing guidance and support to the youth who drafted this report.”
What is the Center for Global Education? Well, its tagline is: Bringing the world to your classroom and your classroom to the world.
According to its website:
The Centre for Global Education (CGE) develops and delivers virtual collaborative learning projects that engage and empower youth as global citizens, through connecting them to the people, places, and issues they are learning about in their classrooms.
CGE is also a “proud organizer” of #Decarbonize, “the world's largest, multilingual school-based program on climate education, advocacy, art, and action.”
“Action.” In other words, activism.
For the Pride Guide, CGE also partnered with the TakingITGlobal Youth Association, which, according to its website, designs and delivers “youth engagement programs that empower young people to understand and act on local and global challenges.”
What business do these “global” organizations have to be meddling in Canadian schools? This is reminiscent of the way the UN is pushing childhood transition in Canada by meddling in provincial and territorial child services.
The particular focus of the Pride Guide is on “gender-based violence,” but this doesn’t mean what someone who is unfamiliar with woke-speak would think it means. It doesn’t mean sex-based violence against women and girls but rather, according to the guide:
any type of violence that is directed towards an individual based on their actual or perceived sex assigned at birth, gender identity/expression, or sexual orientation.
Gender-based violence apparently causes sexism (“Prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination against women and people of a marginalized gender”), toxic masculinity (“When a set of attitudes and ways of behaving stereotypically associated with or expected of men becomes toxic”), and microaggressions (like saying, “I identify as a potato.”)
The guide then jumps into “the importance of gender & sexuality alliances (GSAs).” Note that the acronym “GSA” used to stand for “gay-straight alliance.” This is no longer the case because gender has to subsume everything.
These GSAs, according to the guide, provide students with a “safe space.” In a refreshing bit of honesty, the guide also notes that GSAs are often used as a “stepping stone,” providing students with “words, voice, and experience on our journey to coming out.” Yes, indeed, transgender identities in particular are often developed through social contagion.
Next is a section on COVID, as the guide is a redraft of a guide produced in 2019 with a special focus on the impact of the COVID lockdowns. This section is quite telling. As most people involved in the gender debate could informatively speculate, the lockdowns drove many young people online and into social media spaces that center around gender and sexual identities. Not to mention they contributed to skyrocketing rates of mental health issues.
In fact, 54.2% of the national survey respondents said that their “mental health was worse than before the pandemic.” Unfortunately, young people also responded that “platforms such as Discord, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media sites” were places they turned to maintain connections with friends, build new ones, or find new communities.
Now, I’m not someone who thinks social media is all bad. I also use it to maintain connections and I feel it has been far more positive than negative in my life. But that doesn’t mean that all uses of it are healthy and positive.
Three comments from the youth survey illustrate perfectly how social media—especially TikTok—introduces and sucks kids into gender ideology and queer theory:
“I watched 2SLGBTQ+ stuff on TikTok and YouTube. I improved my art skills, improved my craft skills, ditched my toxic friends, and learned about mental health stuff.”
“I talked to friends/family and joined online discord servers that are very supportive of people talking about queer issues and topics on Instagram and TikTok.”
“I spoke with supportive friends and tried to get my parents to use my preferred pronouns, rather than how they've seen me for the past 20 years. I also watch a lot of TikTok.”
Apparently, forming “queer” identities in online spaces where social contagions spread is all well and good, and it’s the job of schools to affirm and validate these identities.
The guide proceeds to outline some “priorities for an inclusive school environment,” which are basically just a list of steps all schools should actually avoid taking. The first few priorities are:
“Using 2SLGBTQ+ inclusive language” including pronouns “beyond ‘he’ and ‘she’” as well as addressing groups as “folks” and avoiding language like “you guys.”
Using students’ “preferred names” instead of their “deadnames.”
The creation of gender-neutral washrooms and change rooms.
“Displays of support” like rainbows and flags.
The only point I don’t have an issue with is discouraging the use of slurs (like fag, dyke, etc.), though it’s a sad testament to the times that I feel encouraging school staff and administrators to stamp down on speech can have far more pervasive consequences. I guess I wish the focus was on respecting all students rather than on highlighting “queer” students as a special class.
The guide then provides some tips on how to create and run GSAs, including everything from setting up the club to encouraging student participation. All I can say is I don’t believe these clubs have any place at school. This is nothing but proselytization for the gender cult and for woke progressive ideas more broadly.
Next is a handy section on how teachers and administrators should conduct themselves because, you know, it’s students who run the schools now. Teachers are even provided with a helpful table that lets them know what they “should” and “should not” do!
Finally, we get to the crux of this “Pride Guide,” which is essentially that students with “queer” identities and third-party global organizations should be determining the content that is taught in schools: namely, content that “reflects identities.”
This is, apparently, especially important when it comes to sex education, and the guide provides a list of “minimum guidelines” that read like something written by a pedophile Tumblr user:
Education on the history of sexual orientation and gender identity
Language and identities within the queer community
Sex education implemented at younger grades
Safe sex practices for all types of sexual health and wellbeing
Topics of consent and relationships
Not for one second do I believe that these ideologues would teach anything close to real history or a legitimate look at human sexuality. And, of course, the push to talk to younger and younger kids about sex is what’s most concerning here.
But it doesn’t stop at sex ed! All subjects, including science, math, English, PE, and music must be infused with “queer representation.” What does this mean? Well, read some examples and weep for yourself:
“Acknowledging trans, intersex, and sex hormones in biology.”
“Casual representation in [math] problems that include queer actors and use of a variety of pronouns (again, normalizing language).”
“Split PE classes by desired competitiveness level, rather than gender.”
The guide ends with a list of terms and definitions, most of which were created on Tumblr and which we are now supposed to take seriously because an actual government department has published them. This includes everything from aromantic and cisgender to genderfluid and pansexual.
Many young people today are lost, and how could they not be when the adults who are supposed to be in charge are busy publishing abject nonsense like this? Everyone involved in the creation of this “Pride Guide” chose to take the easy way out because they are more concerned with looking good than with doing good. They get to pat themselves on the back while consigning kids to live in confusion, endlessly ruminating about their “identities,” and perhaps to go on and make irreversible medical changes to their bodies.
Imagine selling out the minds and bodies of kids for some woke cookies. I couldn’t do it.
Eva is doing the reporting the pathetic institutional media in Canada will not!
Thank you so much, yet again, for keeping us informed about how the mind-fuck for profit trans cult is everywhere, doing harm.