“Casual representation in [math] problems that include queer actors and use of a variety of pronouns (again, normalizing language).”
God·dess save us all! As if maths wasn't hard enough to learn/teach without an accretion of social indoctrination (even if it were to a praiseworthy end) clogging it up. Any "actors" in a maths problem are just labels, which a smart kid (and a grown-up mathematician) swiftly reduces to 'x', 'y' and 'z' in order to make an equation out of them. By all means give them gender-neutral names like Alex or Jordan or Bobbie, but a load of irrelevant information about their sexual preferences or "gender identity" can only distract us, give us more to strip away, and impede kids taking their first steps in maths from gaining a solid grasp on what mathematical modelling involves. Have "social studies" (or whatever it's now called) teachers - not famous for their own grasp of mathematics - entirely colonized the rest of the faculty, and if so, why have maths teachers not rebelled?
Eva is doing the reporting the pathetic institutional media in Canada will not!
Thank you so much, yet again, for keeping us informed about how the mind-fuck for profit trans cult is everywhere, doing harm.
“Casual representation in [math] problems that include queer actors and use of a variety of pronouns (again, normalizing language).”
God·dess save us all! As if maths wasn't hard enough to learn/teach without an accretion of social indoctrination (even if it were to a praiseworthy end) clogging it up. Any "actors" in a maths problem are just labels, which a smart kid (and a grown-up mathematician) swiftly reduces to 'x', 'y' and 'z' in order to make an equation out of them. By all means give them gender-neutral names like Alex or Jordan or Bobbie, but a load of irrelevant information about their sexual preferences or "gender identity" can only distract us, give us more to strip away, and impede kids taking their first steps in maths from gaining a solid grasp on what mathematical modelling involves. Have "social studies" (or whatever it's now called) teachers - not famous for their own grasp of mathematics - entirely colonized the rest of the faculty, and if so, why have maths teachers not rebelled?