The UCP needs to figure out a strong and sensible stance to take on gender issues, because that would be a winning strategy for them. I'm not convinced anyone in the party knows anything about gender, beyond the culture war black-and-white aspects, and the party's public discussions have very much fallen into the classic traps that progressives keep setting. Good for you for trying to bring this issue forward. I hope they're listening - the NDP certainly isn't.

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I am now convinced that there are people in the party who know what's going on and have been bringing this to her! Yes, it would absolutely be a winning strategy. People are no doubt wondering why Alberta isn't leading the way already!

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wow Eva! Great photos and so exciting to learn you were able to meet with and share concerns with the Premier. I have really come around about her -- I think she herself has changed and calmed down a lot. She used to strike me as a loose cannon but she's just been so steady and so sensible in office, it's been heartening and impressive to watch. That she took the time to sit down with you and Lois and James just raises her in my esteem that much more. It's so unusual to have one's opinion of a politician go UP after they take office: in fact I'm not sure it's ever happened to me before!!!!!!

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I am so grateful to hear that you, Lois and Jack got the opportunity to meet with our amazing Premier! Good on Lois for making it happen!!

I am a UCP member and brought this topic forward to Danielle via email on October 1st after I watched your interview with Megan Murphy. If I'm bringing it forward, I can't be the only one.

Keep doing what you're doing. ❤️

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So damn proud of you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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You and Lois and Jack are making a difference Eva. Thank-you!!

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That is so fantastic Eva! Nice!

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