I also wrote a post about how unsettling it is that Alberta public schools work closely with the Fyrefly Institute. They had Sophie Labelle up on their website as a mentor for "youth" well AFTER it became public knowledge he liked to draw child porn. I had a weird old time getting my employer, the University of Alberta, to even acknowledge this was a problem (they did finally disappear any mention of Labelle, without comment).
I sort of wonder if something happened around the time that Kris Wells stopped directing Fyrefly in 2018. I don't know what, but as I document in my piece there was definitely an underexplained shakeup.
The obvious and immediate parallel with this Fyrefly indoctrination camp is the evangelical and fundamentalist Protestant Christian institution known as the Youth Group.
Run by a youth pastor, the ministry teaches the religious party line about sex in obsessive and toxic ways that are especially harmful to girls.
Youth pastors also teach about Armageddon, The Last Judgment, the Rapture, the tribulations and other Old Testament horror stories.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that law enforcement would consider this a form of child abuse but for society’s deeply ingrained, unearned and unwarranted deference toward organized religion.
Fyrefly and other similar institutions are the Queer equivalent of the Fundiegelical youth ministry. If only credulous and enthusiastic trans allies could see that!
Thank you, Eva! Actually a huge thank you for uncovering and dispersing this information so widely. The sooner it is exposed and disseminated, the better!
Thank you, Eva, this is so excellent and important to expose. I love how you write -- direct and clear and never pretentious, which is more powerful and harder for others to evade the truth.
That poor girl! It's confusing because girls and women do not yet have anything remotely approaching equal rights with males. Just the fact that even women in powerful positions, whether politicians or media stars, never dress with the dignity and comfort that is given to men, says it all. Even the most powerful women wear painful and dangerous high heels -- including women prime ministers and presidents. The most popular stars are half naked and pornified, many looking grotesque with plastic surgery. (There is a series of actors in recent films talking, paired woman and man, and while the men are always sensibly dressed like we are, the women, no matter how rich and beloved, are usually half naked, exposed, in lurid makeup, tugging on their dresses that are too revealing, and always those horrible high heels.)
Girls are not stupid. It's clear that being a boy means a much better and easier life in so many ways, including no longer being sexually harassed and afraid of being raped or murdered. They are also still not accepted if they are in love with and want to marry another girl. So of course, knowing all this, many girls would consider going for the massive male privilege. (Those of us who wouldn't usually were very aware of being harassed and worse by boys and would never have wanted to join that group, but stay loyal and loving to our own kind.)
"14 to 24" is not an okay age range to cluster together. It just really, really, really, REALLY EFFING EFFETY EFF is not.
Excellent, Eva! 👏👏🙏❤️
Thank you! 😊♥️
HI Eva,
I also wrote a post about how unsettling it is that Alberta public schools work closely with the Fyrefly Institute. They had Sophie Labelle up on their website as a mentor for "youth" well AFTER it became public knowledge he liked to draw child porn. I had a weird old time getting my employer, the University of Alberta, to even acknowledge this was a problem (they did finally disappear any mention of Labelle, without comment).
I sort of wonder if something happened around the time that Kris Wells stopped directing Fyrefly in 2018. I don't know what, but as I document in my piece there was definitely an underexplained shakeup.
Kristopher Wells is a bully.
The obvious and immediate parallel with this Fyrefly indoctrination camp is the evangelical and fundamentalist Protestant Christian institution known as the Youth Group.
Run by a youth pastor, the ministry teaches the religious party line about sex in obsessive and toxic ways that are especially harmful to girls.
Youth pastors also teach about Armageddon, The Last Judgment, the Rapture, the tribulations and other Old Testament horror stories.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that law enforcement would consider this a form of child abuse but for society’s deeply ingrained, unearned and unwarranted deference toward organized religion.
Fyrefly and other similar institutions are the Queer equivalent of the Fundiegelical youth ministry. If only credulous and enthusiastic trans allies could see that!
Thank you, Eva! Actually a huge thank you for uncovering and dispersing this information so widely. The sooner it is exposed and disseminated, the better!
Great article Eva! Thank you for sparing me the necessity to read anything further about this "Dr"
I truly hope that the day we can look back on this insanity and wonder how it ever happened isn't too far away...
Quite frankly, I am sick to death about hearing about other people's sexuality/gender identity. What a bunch of self-centred navel (crotch??) gazing.
Thank you, Eva, this is so excellent and important to expose. I love how you write -- direct and clear and never pretentious, which is more powerful and harder for others to evade the truth.
That poor girl! It's confusing because girls and women do not yet have anything remotely approaching equal rights with males. Just the fact that even women in powerful positions, whether politicians or media stars, never dress with the dignity and comfort that is given to men, says it all. Even the most powerful women wear painful and dangerous high heels -- including women prime ministers and presidents. The most popular stars are half naked and pornified, many looking grotesque with plastic surgery. (There is a series of actors in recent films talking, paired woman and man, and while the men are always sensibly dressed like we are, the women, no matter how rich and beloved, are usually half naked, exposed, in lurid makeup, tugging on their dresses that are too revealing, and always those horrible high heels.)
Girls are not stupid. It's clear that being a boy means a much better and easier life in so many ways, including no longer being sexually harassed and afraid of being raped or murdered. They are also still not accepted if they are in love with and want to marry another girl. So of course, knowing all this, many girls would consider going for the massive male privilege. (Those of us who wouldn't usually were very aware of being harassed and worse by boys and would never have wanted to join that group, but stay loyal and loving to our own kind.)