Mar 19, 2023Liked by Eva Kurilova

Scary and accurate Eva! Chills!

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Just found your Substack and subscribed, hence the comment on an old article. Great obvervation on a certain aspect of human nature.

It's all about power - guilt-trip the populace, make out your ideology is "pure" and "good", turn dissenters into villains, and capture politics, the media and institutions. The trans lobby does all this, and is very powerful at the moment.

This pattern is common to all regimes that depend on manipulative thought control - old-school communism, the Inquisition, Islamic fundamentalism, National Socialism. And one thing these regimes also have in common is that the "dark tetrad" personality type does very well in them.

It least, currently, we don't expect a call at dawn from the secret police for writing a Substack piece - the values of "western democracy" (for all its flaws) currently prevent it. But it feels that's being eroded, ironically in some of the most "liberal" countries. I can imagine if the trans lobby had absolute power, things could get very bad.

Important to keep speaking, keep writing, keep pushing back.

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