The Far Left Only Tolerates Trans Because It is a Force for Destabilization
The revolution will eat them first.
In the wake of the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, commentators expressed incredulity at how many on the left scrambled to excuse these actions. Not only that, but some of the loudest voices throwing their support behind Hamas into the ring are “queers” who usually identify as some flavor of “trans.”
“Don’t they know,” commentators ask, shocked, “that they would not be tolerated in Palestine? That Hamas would kill them without compunction?”
How is it possible that the extreme left has come to support both fetishistic men in dresses who talk about their ladydicks and militant Islamists at the same time?
It might seem confusing at first, but only until you realize that the goal of these radicals is the destruction of Western society. Everything that they champion, including gender ideology, critical race theory, and decolonization, seeks to destabilize and deconstruct Western values. This is the main project of the radical left, and it will embrace anything that helps further its aims.
This explains why the radical left, despite claiming to be feminist, has absolutely zero problem with tossing women to the wolves—the wolves being fetishistic men who demand access to women’s spaces. It’s not because they believe these deranged and failed men are really women, it’s because these men are a highly effective force for disruption.
Consider the havoc caused by men in women’s sports. Not only are they destroying opportunities and the experience for the women involved, but they are also hurting public trust in sports governing bodies and the fairness of the game. “It’s just sports,” doesn’t cut it as an excuse, and accepting it harms society at all levels. It harms the importance of trust and fairness in society as a whole, which is exactly what radical leftists want. They may talk a lot about “equity,” but equity is not fairness, it is about the politics of power and the hierarchy of oppression. They were able to get away with it in sports by insisting that privileged “cis” female athletes had to shut up and make room for poor oppressed trans women, and this is reflective of the way these radicals operate throughout society.
Men in women’s prisons is another good example. Not only is it inhumane to house male prisoners with female ones, but trans-identified male prisoners are actually even more dangerous than other male inmates, with roughly half incarcerated for sex crimes. If you can get a radical leftist to admit that these men are indeed dangerous and aren’t just poor, misunderstood, vulnerable trans women who wouldn’t hurt a fly, they usually pivot to arguing that none of it matters because prisons should be abolished anyway. They aren’t actually concerned about “trans women” in prison: causing a mess by putting men in women’s prisons is just a useful way to destabilize and attack this particular institution.
The same is true for opening up women’s private spaces, like washrooms and changing rooms, to these fetishistic men. It isn’t about securing a safe place to pee and change for a vulnerable population (or else radical leftists would actually care about keeping these spaces exclusively for women), it’s about toppling boundaries, breaking conventions, and tearing the social contract.
Trans-identified men are agents of subversion and chaos. Their presence in women’s spaces and, increasingly, in everyday public spaces, causes tension and often demands special accommodation. They are forcing society to rewrite rules that, prior to now, didn’t even need to be written down. As they like to point out, society did not generally have laws in place that actually prohibited men from entering women’s private spaces. Because we didn’t have to. In general, trust was high enough and we valued safety, privacy, decency, and common sense enough not to spell it out in law. It is a bad sign that we now have to.
I often get accused by queer and trans activists of aligning myself with the right and cryptically told that they will come for me next, but I am not the one they need to be worried about.
Dear trans and queer activists: the radical leftists are using you because your derangement is exactly what they need to undermine Western society. If they manage to achieve this goal, then you’ll be the first of the revolution’s children to be devoured.
Radicals of all stripes are not your friends, nor mine. A moderate society of small L liberals and small C conservatives who aren’t looking for revolution and who take a “live and let live attitude” is your best bet for actually being able to live your life in peace. But you fight these people. You accuse everyone who doesn’t take the most radically leftist position of being a far-right literal Nazi. You call free speech, open debate, and tolerance of different viewpoints bigotry. But societies that champion these values are the only ones that actually allow you to exist as you do.
By joining the radicals who want to tear down Western society, you are sowing the seeds of your own demise, and mine. The society I want, the society that embraces the Western values that have given us the good lives far too many take for granted, has room for you in it. That’s the society you seek to destroy, which means that the future you are fighting for has room for neither of us in it. I pray you come to your senses.
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Mao had his cadre of hyper-revolutionaries. Guess what happened to them.
There is no communist paradise in Gaza so what would be the point of even the most devoted leftist throwing their lot in with that movement? It’s all based on vibes. For years the pro-Hamas American leftists excused “from the river to the sea” as a peaceful slogan for Palestinian liberation. When we would say “Bestie they are calling for a genocide of 50% of the world population of Jews for realsies,” they would audibly scoff saying “you think decolonization is violent because colonization is violent, baby it just ain’t that way.” Now that the whole world can see that this “decolonization” (truly a recolonization) project is indeed horrifically violent Jew-hatred, they either deny what happened or use decolonial theory and literature (literal Frantz Fanon quotes used to excuse gang rape) to forgive Hamas and say Israelis deserved it. And to what end? What would be the point of a collapsed liberal democratic state? Who has the guns and cash and knowledge of the basics of society to take over? Not the American left