Thanks for being one of my most principled friends. It’s how I know I can trust you 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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You too 🥰🥰🥰

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I mostly agree and always appreciate your courage. But in my community (what's left of it), few will question or challenge anyone. So I have the misfortune of seeing the man who went after me when I was 17 (in 1968) and when I said I was in love with my best friend, Marg, and not interested in men, he decided he was a Lesbian, and is still stalking me and also slandering me with the help of Lesbians. Few Lesbians want to know about this (and I SO appreciate your support, in print), but some friends are still friends with him, even calling him a "beautiful woman." He watches me through the posts of friends and has tried to get me to lose those friends by taunting me on their pages (though they probably don't realize his grotesque sexualized comments are his trying to provoke me into responding.)

Considering that based on the increasing murders of Lesbians and women who say no to these men, I am in some danger, it would be a relief if Lesbian friends did unfriend him. I know I'll never escape his stalking me or slandering me in print, but it would help to not have any forced contact with him.

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Men put on lipstick and lesbians split right down the middle. It's the most divisive thing I've ever seen.

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But we didn't as a community for many years. I think the training to accept sado-masochism by Pat Califia and others didn't help. I wish it was the middle, rather than the majority. From what I see, most Lesbians, like others who want to be "progressive," are selling us out on so many levels.

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They have formed a belief that they are saving those men from manhood.

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Cosigned. Cross-posting.

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