They left out “250lb trans women in spike heels have a difficult time walking with appropriate pace, so jaywalking for trans should be legal; and as well all “walk” signs should have double the time delays. Trans hookers need all grocery stores to extend hours so they can pick up nutritious vegetables instead of fast food, the only option at 4am in most provinces. All non-trans people are required to install an iPhone app which, when less than 5 feed from a trans, pulses in Morse code to convey their preferred pronoun. As well, it must turn on and automatically start continuous voice recognition, and if the wrong name is uttered, issue a 911 emergency call to the police.” You could go on and on. Ludicrous.

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hahahahahahahahaha those inclusions certainly would not have been out of place

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I recall a conversation with an Elderly friend in Paris three decades ago was as to the effect “Where did did nasty, asshole liberals go?” I couldn’t care less if someone likes me or not, I constantly say these things are wrong and ridicule them strenuously in public. That was the way, IMHO, things got done in decades past. Great post.

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It seems that most of the Western Countries are taking a holding pattern on trans ideology and further implementation of trans demands. But not Canada!!! We don't care about women's rights at any level and children who demonstrate a slight gender difference or preference are pushed into transitioning. What's wrong with our politicians on every level? I don't know if an election will change this, but GC women are running out of options.

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There appears to be a risk for men in receiving blood transfusions from women who have a history of pregnancy or who are currently pregnant. So removing true sex history for donating blood is another instance of putting ideology before science.

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Yup! I looked into that a bit and considered discussing it in the piece but didn't want to get too sidetracked. We should absolutely not be removing sex history from blood donations!

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Brilliant! Every thing about "trans" is a lie and a cult and deeply female-hating from both ends (FTM and MTF), but what is also aggravating is their pretending to care about the "gender diverse." Those of us who are Butch (not role-playing or a game, but a choice to be our natural selves and refuse male-identified "femininity" since girlhood) and who have been treated like freaks in the hetero-patriarchal world, but also too often by Lesbians wanting to fit in, are also targeted by the men pretending to be Lesbians and women. They hate us, for so many reasons. So I wish they would stop trying to use us in their propaganda. The trans cult is the worst enemy of all Lesbians and women, but particularly Butches. (And no, most women who claim to be men are not Butch, but are very feminine, as Loren Cameron's book of photographs, "Body Alchemy" shows.)

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I truly believe Fae Johnstone actually only cares about point 1:

"To start, the Government of Canada should “commit to sufficient and stable” funding for “trans and gender diverse organizations,” both new organizations and those that already exist."

He'll promote any old nonsense that keeps federal money flowing to his "Fae Johnstone is above the working stiff hoi polloi" action fund. The professional trans activist class will keep pushing that lever forever, even after if it stops producing any more funding (very very soon, I am starting to hope) because they found the period when it was producing payouts delicious beyond measure.

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