"It was an important event that . . . signals the start of a new era in the pushback against gender ideology in Canada."

I was hoping to learn specifics about the ideas and strategies that the speakers shared with the attendees.

Also, do the conference organizers, who were successful in escaping the notice of trans rights activists and the other denizens of Vancouver's leftist ecosystem, plan on releasing content from the conference to the public in Vancouver? If one pulls off an act of resistance on the opposition's doorstep, it helps if the opposition finds out about it at some point.

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It wasn't really about strategizing as it was saying a whole bunch of things most of the attendees would have already known - but saying it publicly was still a big deal. And yes I think recordings, though not video, will be released, but I do not know the details.

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OK, that was a taste. It raised a few questions for me. I support Cherry Smiley's Women's Studies Online, although my participation has been minimal. Why do you think she would have shamed you publicly? What is it about the "radical feminist lens" you dislike so much?

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Because she specifically called out Jordan Peterson, who I like very much, and Meghan Murphy as being examples of horrible right-wingers. If she read my work and knew my ideas, I have no doubt she'd throw my in the same camp. I do consider myself a conservative as well. Re radical feminism, I'll echo what I said to Holly below: I do not view things from an oppressor/opressed dynamic. I do not think men as a group oppress women as a group. I think some radical feminism veer into blank slatism and definitly into social constructionism, both of which I reject.

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I find the whole right wing/left wing division almost completely useless. For example, here in Alberta, I completely agree with Danielle Smith's policies with reference to "transition", but am terrified that she is back negotiating with the Australian mining companies to develop open pit coal mines on the Eastern Slopes. I think it's the same mentality that exploits the bodies of women and children and exploits and destroys the environment. I'm actually quite intrigued with Kellie-Jay Keen's POW party.

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I had to look up those terms, but I think you are talking about the whole Nature vs Nurture debate. In the reading I've done, I've never seen that come up. If I was going to come up with one generalization to describe radical feminism, it centers women. In political analysis, what does the action or policy do to/for women? This is a great conversation, if you haven't seen it. Differences of opinions for sure, but they are some of my favourite thinkers. https://youtu.be/0i4DPz-CBMk?si=Wfiz5K-49oGy-uM0

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"Ultimately, sex differences in complex behaviors and skills are always a product of interactions between biology on the one hand (that is, our genes and their relatively fixed effects, such as hormone levels and body size) and our environment on the other (that is, factors such as our family circumstances, social dynamics, and cultural norms). Interactions between the two shape not only our skills and abilities, but also any emerging group differences. But none such complicating factors change the fact that the sex gap in chess is real and persistent. " She wrote the book on Testosterone. https://quillette.com/2024/03/22/why-do-men-dominate-chess/

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Important questions. I was also wondering and puzzled about what this meant!?

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I would like to know in what ways "pretty much all of [your] intellectual and emotional sensibilities are opposed to the radical feminist lens". Many of your readers are radical feminists. What are your disagreements with radical feminist perspectives?

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Well, I should hope it's obvious this is not the lens I write from, and I get worried that people assume it is so I try to make it clear once in a while that it isn't. I do not view things from an oppressor/opressed dynamic. I do not think men as a group oppress women as a group. I think some radical feminism veer into blank slatism and definitly into social constructionism, both of which I reject. Things like that!

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First, I want to say that it was not "Radical Feminists" that I'm aware of who alerted us to the trans cult or first fought them. It was Radical Lesbian Feminists, and we have been their target ever since. The majority of these men I know about were perving on Lesbians and wanting access to us, as well as pretending to be us, as they took over everything we created. (I first wrote against the cult in 1973, in our Lesbian Separatist newspaper, Dykes and Gorgons.)

I think most "Radical Feminists" who are het play a double game where they are deeply invested in males and don't want to lose their privilege, which includes their terror at being called "Lesbians." I have some dear friends, but then am always in shock at the betrayals, though we wrote about it in our Book, Dykes-Loving-Dykes, published in 1990.

Second, I would never consider you "conservative"! I always think that's a euphemism the media uses for right wing to nazi who are the people who want to kill us.

Third, I don't know the women mentioned or featured, but it's terrible that you would have to worry about being "shamed" by any of them or worry about any bad treatment by them. But actually, I would expect that for myself if I was able to go to a conference like that, and I think so much goes back to targeting Lesbians and also about classism. You are doing such important work for all Lesbians and women and girls and shouldn't have to worry about not being "given the time of day." You are wonderful and courageous and brilliant, and I would be honored to meet you in person.

I don't know why you don't think males oppress females, but wonder if it's something in what I consider "fake feminism" that puts you off those politics. I see a war going on across the earth of males against females, to where almost no girl or woman has escaped sexual assault by boys and men and none escaped sexual harassment (including rape "jokes," "teasing," talking about our bodies and so much more.) This had been a basis of real feminism, but I see the women invested in males backing off from daring to talk or think about it. (This is some of what we wrote in our book about it: https://bevjoradicallesbian.wordpress.com/2017/09/09/chapteronethe-crimes-of-mankind/

We could talk about it sometime, if you'd like. You are a treasure, seriously.

I'd thought we agree about so much politically, but am confused

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