Thanks to Premier Blaine Higgs, New Brunswick is the only province in Canada that is putting up any kind of fight against the woke demand to sacrifice kids to the hormonal and surgical castration cult known as gender ideology—but not if Child and Youth Advocate Kelly Lamrock has anything to say about it.
For those who aren’t familiar with what’s been happening in the Maritimes: in early June, Higgs caused quite a stir by announcing changes to the province’s Policy 713, which meant that teachers would no longer have to use the preferred names and pronouns of students under 16 (yes, the previous policy mandated that teachers do so).
You can read more about this story by checking out my piece on The Distance:
This past week, Lamrock has come out with a nearly 100-page report slamming the policy, calling its legality into question, and taking the lies and delusions of gender ideology as truth.
Here are a few choice sections from the CTV piece on the news conference where Lamrock showed just how ideologically captured he is:
Lamrock said forcing any non-binary and transgender students to use a name they don't identify with "is a violation of their protected rights under the Human Rights Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms."
Parents have an important role to play in their child's development, but the government's changes were vague and created confusion, he said. "The parent has a right to teach their values to a child," Lamrock told reporters after he released his report. "The parent does not have the right to a state apparatus to force the child to live by their values."
In his report, Lamrock says that it's not bigoted for a parent to want to know about major decisions taken by their children, including name or pronoun changes. "Equally so, it is not extreme to want children to have privacy and autonomy when they are old and mature enough to exercise it."
Lamrock says that over the past two months he reviewed more than 400 submissions from parents, students, teachers and government officials. He proposes 24 recommendations to revise the policy so that it is in line with the Charter and other laws, including that the government "restore language explicitly restricting school personnel from outing students without their permission."
Lamrock says that younger students should be able to choose how they are informally addressed by teachers and school staff. School principals, he adds, should be responsible for developing plans in consultation with psychologists and teachers for primary school students who want to informally change their names and pronouns.
"Any concept of parental rights which starts and stops with asserting that parents should have unlimited control over the child is an analysis too limited to stand," the report says.
"In fact, much of what we call 'parental rights' stem from the child's rights. The parent does not have an absolute right to control a child."
Lamrock is probably right about the potential legal problems with the changes to Policy 713. That’s actually how messed up Canada is right now. “Gender identity” and “gender expression” have been added to all of our human rights codes, and it is absolutely not unthinkable that a human rights tribunal might rule that a student’s rights might in fact have been violated if a teacher does not use the name and pronouns they demand.
But this is not a good thing. This is something a lawyer like Lamrock should be arguing against if they actually cared about what is happening to kids.
I also don’t doubt that Lamrock talked to numerous “parents, students, teachers and government officials” who are just as captured as he is and who find it just as difficult to think as he does.
What none of these people are thinking about is the absolute lunacy of referring to children as “transgender” or “non-binary.” No child is born in the wrong body. No child is actually the opposite sex or no sex at all. No child changes sex or loses their sex by changing their pronouns. Even worse, teaching children these intellectually bereft delusions fundamentally confuses them. It confuses them about their own bodies, their own identities, and about reality itself. No rational and compassionate adult should wish such confusion on a child.
Why do people do this? It’s easier to buy into the lie, especially when it is your side that is lying and especially when you are more concerned about looking good than doing good. Questioning the lie takes effort, and Lamrock probably considers himself too busy and important. It’s beneath him to figure out why controversy is raging around this issue, much less examine the ideological tenets he’s bought without question.
Lamrock has been told that some kids have this thing called a “gender identity” and he’s probably aware that questioning it is a “right-wing” thing to do, and so he dares not. He’s picked up the language of a cult, so it should not be surprising that he sees language control as a human right. This isn’t about students’ right to privacy. This is about ideological adherence.
There is no excuse for someone in Lamrock’s position, someone who is writing 100-page reports about this issue, to be ignorant of what the construction of a “trans child” entails. Affirming a child’s fantasy by acquiescing to call them a different name and pronouns is the first step on a path that leads to medicalization and sterilization.
This is all the while not even trans activists can agree on what terms like “gender identity” mean. This is all the while adult trans-identified men call their penises “female” but advocate for genital surgery on minors. There is no excuse for Lamrock to be ignorant of any of this.
What is even more crazy-making about this entire situation is that Lamrock is supposed to be a child advocate. That is literally his job title. But, just like the supposed advocates for kids in care in British Columbia, he has sold his soul to the child-devouring gender cult.
So, what kind of person wants children to be confused? A failed adult. Someone who is emotionally a child and who therefore doesn’t care about actually putting children first; about putting their own political interests and career aspirations second to the health and wellbeing of the little ones.
It is unconscionable to think that any behavior a child displays can be so “wrong” for their body that we need to take drastic measures to change it. This is the idea that Lamrock pledges allegiance to when he casually talks about “trans and non-binary” kids. It’s pathetically banal but entirely evil.
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Excellent article. As an American I appreciate being kept up to date with my friends to the north. Y'all do have it much worse than us and UK. Someone needs to check Lambert's hard drive. I hate to be this way, but I don't trust so called "child advocates" who believe this nonsense, especially men.