Hi Eva! I wonder if more people were actually looking for an explanation, not an apology, for why a book-promoting AGP like Phil Illy was at the conference. If wearing the dress in a crowd aroused him, why is that okay? I see him as having an emotional problem, and it's autogynephilia, he can call himself "autoheterosexual" all he likes, which is a term he made up to suit himself, isn't it? What does it even mean? It's kind of similar to how gender ideologues make up terms that suit their beliefs then expect everyone else to go along with them. Organizations like Genspect need to draw lines somewhere as to what is and isn't appropriate, especially in relation to the values they appear to promote. Acting like this is all just a matter of opinion is side-stepping the real issue here, again, in my opinion. But it does remind me of both-sides-ism, though not quite as extreme as that often is.

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My problem is not with anyone wanting to have a dialogue or seeking to have Genspect understand their concerns. Organizations do owe that, at least, to their supporters, IMO. As for both-sides-ism, I do see both sides and I can't help it 🤷

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As for Phil's preferred terms, I never expressed that I agree with them. In the reaction video I certainly said enough about that!

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Hi again! I might have used "both-sides-ism" incorrectly -- your seeing both sides seems fine, and open-minded. I was thinking, for example, of how mainstream media used to (and still does) sometimes feel obligated to feature representatives of "both sides" on opinion programs, such as people who believe the Earth is a round globe debating people who think the Earth is flat... In other words, there really aren't necessarily two sides to every question. Sometimes one side is just wrong. But in this case I have to, right or wrong, stick with the low opinion I formed of Phil Illy from the first interview I saw of him. I see a narcissist and a bit of a con artist too (maybe those two go hand in hand). And I don't see any similarity between him and someone like Corinna Cohn, who I admire. I just think good, well-meaning people need to be very careful around people like Illy. Anyway, that's just my opinion. Keep up the good work, Eva and Matt!

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Genspect was not thinking preventatively but then new social movements never do. I just reviewed his book at The Distance and you may find it interesting. https://www.thedistancemag.com/p/sympathy-for-the-devil-with-the-blue

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You really should check this out! 😹

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I will! Thanks!

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Phil advocates for children to take wrong sex hormones. He's an autogynophile. I'm surprised to see so many people coming to his defense and giving him a platform. It makes me question their judgement. AGPs are the driving force behind the entire trans movement. They relish and celebrate children transing themselves. Many organizations are funded by wealthy AGPs. Their behind the entire edifice. I don't understand how anyone can be so naive. If it weren't for a powerful contingent of AGPs driving the entire transgender movement, we wouldn't be where we are today. Phil Illy is part of that. And yet he is lauded by the very people claiming to be fighting against this evil that has already destroyed the lives of so many troubled people. AGPs like Phil Illy are psychopaths. They are very skilled manipulators. I'm sorry to see so many presumably well-intentioned people falling for his games.

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